Well, how the time flies. My first Christmas. Mom & dad put up a Christmas tree in the basement and there are lots and lots of gifts under the tree for me. I think that I'll ask mom & dad to help me open them for this year. I hope that I get something to chew on, because I chew on my hands all the time now. And drool. And drool. And drool.
I've also started to try to sit up. I'm not very good at it yet, but am always trying to wriggle into a new position when being held. I like to squirm a lot.
I don't really like to sit in my carseat much, but, sometimes, it puts me to sleep. One thing that has been entertnaining me (which my mom thinks is too much stimulation) is football. I can get carried into a room and seek out a TV as long as it's got football on. My daddy taught me to enjoy watching football...plus my mom likes some team called the Green Bay Pokers. I guess they've beat daddy's team twice this year or something.