Well, here I am again, finally! We've just been so busy with everything--traveling, especially. Since I wrote last, we've been in Florida and Fargo to visit family and for a little rest for mom and dad. We visited Nana and Papa in Ft Myers, FL and got to do all sorts of things like deep sea fishing and a pre-season Twins game. It was a lot of fun.
Mom also got a new job at Wells Fargo, which she's really excited about. The best part is that mom gets to take a little time off before she starts, to spend with me! I have to go to daycare May 1st and mom and I are both really dreading it. We really wish there was a way that mom could take care of me, so mom and dad and really trying to figure it out. The new job with Wells Fargo should be really good, though, because it's really flexible and mom gets to make her own hours. So hopefully we'll be getting the best of both worlds.
Since I wrote last, I've really mastered sitting up on my own, which is nice because now I can really play by myself. I've really gotten my own personality, too, which is happy (for the most-part) but I also have quite a feisty quality about me, as well, that mom and dad are worried about. I also roll around quite a bit and am really good about playing on my own and entertaining myself, but I still really like to cling to mom. We're really worried about that, because of me having to go to daycare since I don't want mom to leave my sight. Hopefully the time off that mom has will allow us to work on me getting used to other people.
Oh, and you'll see in one of the pictures that I went on my first hike! It was cold (20 degrees), but I had so much fun!! I think I'm going to be an outdoors girl!
Well that's all for now. Hopefully I'll be able to write again soon! Miss and Love all of you!