Mom and dad said that now that I'm two weeks old, I'm big enough to write my own blog every week.
This week we are all just trying to get the hang of a new routine around our house. I'm just starting to sleep longer at night and I try to stay awake more during the day. I still have jaundice and haven't gained a whole lot of weight so mom has to wake me up at least every three hours to feed me. I have my next doctor's appointment on Thursday, so we will see what the doctor says then.
I think mama would say that the worst night we had was last Thursday night when I just wasn't sleepy at all and didn't let her sleep. I felt bad that she was so tired, though, so the next night I slept five hours straight!
On Sunday morning my grandma Stacy and Aunts Kalli and Jacee left to go back to Texas and my Nana and Papa (daddy's parents) came Sunday night. I really miss my Texas family, but am so happy to meet Nana and Papa. They think I'm pretty special and they already spoil me! :)
I think the other highlight of the week was the big party that my great aunt Bunny held for me on the 17th. It was called a baby shower, but I think it was more a party for the adults that were there. There was lots of food and drink and LOTS of people. Once again, I was spoiled, and got a lot of presents. Good thing I don't have to write the thank yous! Mama and Daddy are going to be busy for awhile! I got a lot of really nice things.
Mama is trying to decide when to go back to work and thinks it will probably be next week. We don't know if Nana and Papa are going to be going back to their farm then and if they are, I will go with her to work all day long. Otherwise, we will probably do half-days so that we can adjust to the new atmosphere and mama can get accustomed to working with me around. She is dreading going back, though, just because I know she really likes being home with me.
Well, I think that's all for now. I'll write again next Tuesday to keep everyone posted!
Haven I can't begin to tell you how much your Mimi misses you. I bet you don't realize it yet but, you and I didn't take one picture together the entire week I was there. Beings that you are so photogenic, I will be back soon so that we can take lots of pictures together. Tell mommy and daddy that I love them and miss them too. Always remeber to be a good girl and never squawk back.
Hi Haven!! I miss you so much, I almost packed my things and headed that way this morning.. You are getting so big, and growing prettier everyday! I hope I get to see you soon, I love you! Tell your silly parents I love them and miss them too..
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