The third week of my life wasn't a whole lot different than the last couple of weeks. The highlight of the week was having Nana and Papa come visit. I know mom really liked having them because they helped so much with cooking and cleaning and they held me a lot! I was really sad to see them go, but we are making the trip to Fargo/Cavalier over Labor Day weekend so it's not "goodbye" for long. I know they will be visiting me quite a bit, though. I'm also excited to make the trip because I get to visit grandma and grandpa (mom's dad and step-mom) and my aunts Anna Grace and Emma and uncle Ian in Fargo. Then I get to meet my aunts Jamie and Erin for the first time in Cavalier. We'll see how the trip goes though. I know mom and dad aren't used to making long trips with a new baby, plus we'll have the dogs along.
This week I also had my second doctor's appointment and I gained the weight that we were hoping for. I weighed 6 lbs 4 oz, which is 1 oz over my birth weight. They also think my jaundice is gone, so that's good. They were really happy with my development.
Mom is sad, but excited about how fast I'm growing. I'm finally getting too big for some of my preemie clothes. I know she will be happy when I can start holding up my head a little better because I'm still a little bit weak. I get stronger by the day, though!
Mom and Dad take a lot of pictures of me, so make sure you check them out every week. I'm sure they will post quite a few next time because of all the new people that I'll get to meet!
Thanks, everyone, for checking out my blog. I love being able to show you all how fast I grow!
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