My 4th week was a big one. I got to meet some family members that I really was looking forward to seeing. Mom, Dad, our two dogs, and I took the long drive to Fargo on Wednesday, August 29th. We left Billings at about 2:00 pm. The drive took a little longer than usually because I was along-about 12 hours. We got to Grandma and Grandpa's (Mom's dad and step-mom) house really early in the morning on Thursday. Even though it was about 2:00 am, Grandma and Grandpa still got up to meet me!
We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's until Saturday afternoon. While we were there I met my aunts Anna Grace and Emma and Uncle Ian. I think they all really love me a lot and like to hold me. It was really fun to see how well they did with me. Uncle Ian even called me "darling." I will get to see them again in October when the come for my Great Grandma and Grandpa Z's 50th anniversary party. I'm pretty excited for that.
Another really fun time in Fargo was when Mom and Dad took me to Granite City where we met with about 20 of their friends. I was held by so many people and it was great because I know how important all of them are to Mom and Dad. I would love to see them more often, so I think Dad and Mom will try to have us go back and visit as often as possible.
We went to Cavalier, where Dad's from, on Saturday afternoon and I got to meet my aunts Jamie and Erin and Erin's boyfriend, Andy, and Jamie's friend Kristin. I also got to meet my great grandma Fern and great grandpa Earl and see Nana and Papa again, and that was so great. If there's anyone who can comfort me if I'm upset, it's my Nana. On Sunday morning, we went to church and there were so many people there who I got to meet, as well . Lots of people held me, and I think Mom and Dad really enjoyed being there, because they got to see some of Dad's friends from high school.
After Cavalier, we still weren't done with the trip. We went to Williston because Daddy had a business meeting to go to. Mom, the dogs, and I just hung out in the hotel all morning until he was done and then we got in the car and drove to Billings. It was a long trip, but really great because of all the people I got to meet that care so much about me. I really hope to see all of them soon. I know that Mommy and Daddy really miss them all too.
As far as my growthand everything like that, I'm growing out of the preemie clothes that I was wearing. I have a Doctor's appointment this coming week, so we'll see how much I weigh then. I'm still waking up every 3 hours or so to eat, so Mommy is still pretty tired. Hopefully, my tummy will get bigger soon so that I can go longer intervals without waking her up. She started work on Monday of this week and I know she's really tired there too. I promised her that I would try to sleep as long as possible at night, but I just get so hungry sometimes because I'm growing so fast!
4 weeks old! Haven, don't grow up too much or too fast before I get to see you again! I love you!!!
We can't wait to meet you in person but until that can happen we are SOOOOO happy to be able to see your beautiful face on the computer. We love you and your Mommy and Daddy and we hope that we can see you all VERY soon!!!! It sucks being on the top and bottom of the US!!!! We are simply farther away than we would like to be!!!! Do they need music teachers and psychologists in Montana????
Hey Haven! We want more pictures of your adorable self! We love you!!!!
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