Well not a whole lot to say this time. I'm growing quite a bit still and mommy and daddy say they really have noticed that I am getting a lot longer. I'm starting to show a little more personality and am really cute, I guess. I LOVE to talk and mommy and daddy are worried about how I will be in 12+ years.
Daddy and mommy have been spending almost all of their time in our walk-out basement trying to get through the remodel so that I can have a really nice play-space and so daddy can have his "man-cave", or whatever that means. Mommy doesn't understand either. It's almost done. All we have left is the painting and putting in the flooring. It's going to be our main hang-out spot.
I just found out yesterday that my Nana is coming to visit soon and I'm really excited for that. I know she's really wanted to come see me, but has been really busy with harvest time. She's going to come and play with me and mommy and daddy are maybe going to get to go on a date or something. I dn't know if they're really going to know what to do without me while Nana watches me for an evening or two.
Other than that, not much to tell right now! Hope all of you are doing well!
Love, Haven
Haven, you are SO Cute!!! You have a lucky mom and dad! I love you guys! And I'll see you soon - only a month left to go!
I love when you post updates!! I love looking at your pictures and finding out what you've been up to!!
Oh, btw, did you hear that Amy H had her little boy the other day!
She is so cute Shar! Can't wait to meet her - and for her and Livi to have play dates!
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