Hi Everyone! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post a new blog. I've just been so busy growing, eating, sleeping, and pooping that I don't have very much time! There have been a lot of other things going on, though, that I'm excited to share with all of you.
Last weekend was Great Grandpa and Grandma Z's 50th Anniversary celebration. So many people came for it, including Grandma and Grandpa Z from Fargo. Everyone else from that side of my family was here, too. It was a lot of fun, but a little scary for me because I got a little overwhelmed by all the people and noises that I'm not used to. Make sure you take a look at the picture with Great Grandma and Grandpa Z and all of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. There's a lot of girls (only 1 boy!)!
I had my 2-month doctor's appointment which wasn't very fun because I had four shots in my legs. Mom wasn't looking forward to it very much and I think she cried as much as I did when the nurse gave them to me. It was really hard for her to see me hurting, I think. It was over fast, though, and even though we were warned that the 24 hours afterward could be rough, I did really well.
The good part of the doctor's appointment was that we found out that I gained 2 pounds in 1 month! I'm growing fast and I haven't even had to have any formula supplements. Mom and I do it all ourselves. I now weigh 9 lbs. 4 oz and am 21 inches long. Not huge, but growing!
More good news is that I slept through the night for the first time last night! Mom was so happy and proud and felt more awake today than she has felt since before I was born.
I'm really starting to hold my head up well now and I love to smile and coo. I've become really aware of my surroundings and really know who my mom and daddy are. They really love to watch me change every day. People have often commented on how advanced I am already because of how much I like to look around and how aware I am. Mom and daddy think I'm a child-genius. :)
Oh, one more thing...take a look at the little white sweater I'm wearing in one of the pictures with the lady bugs on it. My auntie/Godmother Jamie made that for me! It's one of my favorite things to wear.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to post again soon!
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